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acrylic exercises

Last week I was poring through all of Tim Gagnon's Youtube videos on painting in acrylic.

I tried to duplicate the technique in this video, although on a much smaller scale.

Acrylic exercise - a shadowy forest

I didn't proceed through to the final step - putting the highlights into the grass - for a few reasons. The perspective in this painting was slightly different from those in the video and the depth of the foreground in this painting is shallower; the highlighted grass would seem out of place.

I really had trouble drawing the trees. The trunks never looked right to me. I would have to practice sketching more trees to get the angles right.

I also found that paint has to be fairly fluid to do straight lines. My brush and paint was too dry and I ended up with feathery lines where the paint skipped over the page. I’m most likely to going to give this another go and see whether I get better results.

Acrylic exercise - clouds
I didn’t really like the way the background was going on this page, so I decided to test out Tim Gagnon’s cloud painting technique.

Whereas in the previous exercise my brush was too dry, in this exercise my brush was too wet; there was too much paint. I couldn’t get the feathering that Tim was doing in the video. I was also too impatient, I didn’t wait long enough for the paint to dry when building the opaque sections of the cloud. Instead of layering paint, I ended up pushing the paint out, making the cloud way larger than planned.

Although neither page worked out the way I expected, I felt like I’ve accomplished something. I guess figuring out how some things don’t work is also a kind of achievement.


  1. wow! These are excellent, great job! I will be trying my hand at some of those videos thanks to you! And after you step back and don't compare to what it " should " look like, you will notice how good they are! Sometimes we need to step away from our own work to get the perspective..


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